Sunday, November 29, 2009

A380 Inaugural flight from JFK 2 CDG

Last weekend we won 2 seats on the inaugural a380 on airfrance from JFK 2 CDG. Given 2 days notice, what better way to spend a weekend. Off on saturday night, arrive sunday, lunch with Donald Sutherland, dinner at Napoleon III's hunting lodge in the Bois de Boulogne, then a quick calf's head lunch with a spot of Volnay before flying back home. Spending 2 action packed days with your honey in the city of love --- priceless !!!

here is a shot of manhattan on the drive to the airport, with plan in top right hand corner

a quick shot of the worlds fair

'da big bird ... with upper and lower gangways visible on right

there i am at right, waiting for Nikki

a light spot of classical music for breakfast

and everybody (all 500 odd) got off without a spot of bother ... amazing ...

1 comment:

John Glynn said...

How cool to win tickets! Great stories of Paree mate, will get myself and Mrs G out there in 2010 ;)