Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Xmas

Happy Xmas to everyone. Just finished up video calls to India and Ireland and everyone is doing fine.

Seeing that it is snowing, i have to don suitable armor, to protect my beard :-)
Once all the calls are over with, its time for brunch. Hungry business, talking to folks who have already eaten, describing their steak or turkey and ham or Xmas pudding.
Once everyone has had their fill, its time for a nap .... or a catnap as the case may be
For us, we went outside to see the geese flee south, and all of us took note, Ulysses included

and show off some mad dog skills until we came a cropper

Adventures on Ice

Well despite the lovely weather, we still had some issues up here in Starlight, notably with the summer tires, and absence of winter tires. My winter tires I bought are on Long Island, but my buddy Mike is bringing them, next week, so our ice hill in Starlight should no longer pose a problem. It just happened that the week that we brought up the old tv, was the week that we got stuck on the hill and had to leave the car below while we transported everything by hand. Just a lot of ice underneath the snow. Oh well, you win some, you lost some :-)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Feast of the Fishes

Well, my favorite day of the year has arrived - the feast of the 7 5 fishes, where we eat seven five different fish on christmas eve. I became envious of a co-worker, Joel, who rhapsodized at length on the various fish preparations that his lovely wife Joy would create for Xmas eve. Joel, a jewish kid from "joisey" was married to an Italian, and he made me want to be italian too :-)
So, my beautiful wife and I decided to make it a custom of our own, despite the fact that neither of us is Italian. I am Irish and my wife is american of swedish heritage mostly.
So for the last number of years, we try and do 7 fish over the course of one day. We generally start with  smoked salmon and then it largely depends upon what the fishmonger has available, in our case this year, Wegman's of Scranton, PA.
First up, smoked salmon, served with capers, on a bed of arugula, and lemon, with a side of apple chipotle bar-b-q sauce (Truett-Hurst winerey in Sonoma). Accompanying this was either a little dram of  Aberlour 12 year old scotch, or a glass of 1998 RH Coutier champagne.

Either one went deliciously with the smoked salmon.
Following that we had some Barrier Island oysters, from Chesapeake Bay. Again sampled with our glass of champagne, a bit of lemon, and the bbq sauce as an optional side. Mmmm.
Next up .. moules marinere, cooked in a little dry white wine from Savoie (Domaine Idylle "Cruet")
And here is the end result. Edited the recipe slightly to remove the shells at the end, and add a soupcon of cream to the mussel broth, butter, garlic, and shallots
After that it was rest and take a break for a while.
Ok, break over. Next up, some grilled calamari, a la "Locanda Locatelli" which is just brushing the squid with some garlic, oil, and seasoning with salt and pepper.
 After that it was onto the Tuna, similarly prepared. Simple yet superb. To accompany these, we had a '95 Chablis from Robin ... a grand cru "Le Clos" and it hit all the notes that we had hoped for. Quite herbal, with hints of sage, vanilla, melon and a nice fatness that complimented the fatty grilled tuna. Arty shot is courtesy of Nikki :-)
Once we had finished the five fish, we were done. The portions were too generous for two, so we had to call it a night. A nice sea salt chocolate with a glass of Dow's vintage port, and we ended the night on a high. Next year we plan to make it Seven :-)

Happy Christmas to all.



Thursday, December 20, 2012

Repent before it's too Latte !!!

The Mayan Milkopalypse ...
Even the milkmen know that the world ends tomorrow, on Dec 21st, as evidenced by the label below