Sunday, July 11, 2010

Truro, Cape Cod and Blue Hill, Maine trip

We went to Cape Cod, for a wedding at the end of June (in Truro, at the Truro Vineyards) and after that, for a week we visited Blue Hill, Maine.
The wedding on Cape Cod was of a friend of Nikki's, Liz, who was marrying her girlfriend, Suze. It was a wonderfully moving ceremony, and we had a great time. Certainly one of the most meaningful weddings I have been to, and in the context of equal rights for lesbian and gay couples, very important. Prior to the wedding, which was on in the evening, we visited Provincetown and found it to be eclectic, quite portugese in flavour (we had a great portugese brunch), and full of life. We stayed at a motel, on a bluff above the beach, and some of the shots in the video, were taken here. Very 60's style motel, but clean and close to the beach as well as the vineyard, thus suiting our needs.
On Sunday, we left early to get past Boston, and head to Maine. Good idea it was, and no traffic was encountered. Over the next week, we appreciated the warm weather (NY was in the middle of a heatwave while we were in the 70's and 80's) and wonderful produce. Our cottage was on the ocean, 20 yards from the water. It was at the bottom of a private road, and at the top of the road was an organic farm selling the best snap peas, greens, raspberries and strawberries. Heavenly. We also met up and become reacquainted with an old high school friend of Nikki's, Louise (a great artist and here is an example of one of her pics ... "from bakeman beach"),

who helped us find this paradise, as well as host us for a great lobster and crab dinner. The photo montage I made starts with a video Nikki shot overlooking Blue Hill with the ocean bay below, and the various islands and inlets nearby. The Orb provide the tune.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

a nice 917 video

I found this nice 917 program video ....
enjoy ... gives a nice overview of the program

Porsche 917 from Mee on Vimeo.