Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Rooski

This was taken while going through one of the 14 or so locks, along the river. Pretty cool for a non-boat guy like myself. My first time going on a boat along a river through locks. Not for Nikki though, as she had plenty of experience in her childhood, going from Michigan down through NY and the Hudson river and onto Washington DC.
We stopped at an island which was built by a F.O.P. as a replica of a russian village in centuries past, and had lots of tschothke's and such nonsense for sale. (fop=friend of putin). Wooden windwill used in ancient times to power the jacuzzi tubs.
Typcial river cruise boat. All of the companies use the same type of boats as they are the only ones allowed to use russian riverways and all are russian made, i believe. The old guy is fishing for tuna. Nice little trick shot that Nikki took. I had no clue when she was telling me to point my finger to the sky (i was thinking i was larry bird at the 88 allstar game in the 3point competition ;-)
This was a traditional style brothel, and on the rear had a slide/escape hatch.
Some of the traditional houses had very bright trim work which may be explained by the elevated levels of lsd in the diet.

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