Sunday, November 27, 2011

Uncle Joe's 80th

A very successful party for Joe, was held on Saturday last, to celebrate his 80th birthday. Liam and David as well as Anne and my Dad, made up his sibs. Childers, grandun's and relatives galore trekked up to Cold Spring for the party, organized by his kids.
Some pics are shown below

Nikki + Tara (Kevin behind them)
Nikki and Steve, with Liam and Sean behind
Niall and Joe (opening birthday card "Facebook my Arse")
Trevor and Don
Kyle, Liam, Shannon, Annie, Denis, Joanne
Sean and Kevin monkeying around
Sean and Pauline
Liam and Danny with Trevor, Pete, MK and Caitlin in the background
Pauline, mise agus Nikki
Kyle, Shannon, Danny and MK
Nikki and Liz

Last but not least, for those absent in far off lands ... the speeches (beware - 20 minutes long)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

a little tour of nyc

Went touring around nyc with my parents. We had fun. Went to Soho, with b'fast at b'thzar, and then up to F'iron for lunch at Eat'illy
Started off @ Wash Sq Pk early early ...
Then some hardware stores on Spring street for Dad
Then breakfast @ B'th'Zar
Then a look at britain's best selling butter :-)
Rear of Dean and DeLuca building, while flowers were being delivered, and prepped for resale at outrageous prices inside Dn'DL
Then typical Soho interaction, without the air kissing
Then a look for some greeting cards @ Kate's Paperie
Eataly ended up as being our last stop
Drinking some nice Tuscan stuff
The address is one block away from here and well worth a visit

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reza's Chapulin Grun

My friend Reza, recently completed a build of his SWB hotrod in Chapulin Grun or Cricket Green. Very tastefully done. He put it through its paces in Monterrey at Rennsport 4, with the help of buddies Lewis and Gytis. Enjoy Reza, and bring her out East so we can all drool.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

1,850 miles to bring a '71 SiiA home before the fury of Irene

Well, no posts in a while, so here goes, to make up for it. I drove back from Boulder, CO to bring home a new member of the family. The moose (328xi) is gone, and replaced by this 71 Series ii A.

Here is a better pic, looking out the front, taken from either Colorado or Nebraska

The weather was glorious .... hi 90's leaving Denver area, 5200 ft above sea level.

Encountered some strange beasts on my travels. I guess with 1,850 miles, my ass is like leather. Well I thought that something sharp touched me at some point. When I got out to get gas, i see that i had squashed a bee. I fought the bee and the bee lost.

And later on, while traveling on I-80, I came across this strange dude. Admittedly I neglected to bring a proper camera, and all these shots are taken with my blackberry, and I missed a front shot of this guy who had crazy goggles on him, but still ... you get the idea ...

Some nice shots too, came from this little phone camera .... and this was Allegheny countryside ... in western PA ..

Almost came a cropper, but AAA came to the rescue with 5 gallons of gas. I now know when the tank empties on the dial :-)

So, here is what she/he (needs a name ... perhaps Felix or Sid, or Archie or something like that or Ella ... who knows) looks like at night ... again the best that a BB camera can do, methinks ..

and in full sunlight .... drives like a dream ... 25mpg ... should be able to get almost anywhere on the planet.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside

A while back, after snowstorm number 72 this winter, when we had megatons of snow dumped on us, there was a truck that became stuck in the white muck outside my work. The truck proceeded to take its time, blocking 55th street for about an hour. The driver, realizing the futility of the situation, called for help which came in the form of another truck from his company. Funny thing was, the NYC Sanitation Department truck immediately behind him, could not help in any way, shape, form or manner. Here are the best bits as we saw it from our office, that lunchtime.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Porsche Flip out over the mundane

I got a nice surprise in the mail yesterday

What was Porsche sending me? A Flip camera? What's up here?

The letter would explain all ... they want me to take video's of Porsche's being used in everyday situations ... you know ... taking the pets to the vets, running out for a bottle of milk, driving to jury duty, etc. etc.
So open the box i did, hoping that they had branded it ... yipeee ... they did.

The trouble is, I'm actually not on speaking terms with my Porschy buddies right now after they closed down my selling of a calendar, which was made on zizzle (i won't honor them by spelling their name correctly even if mighty Porsche lawyers threatened them probably with fire and brimstone). The calendar was of my car and my buddies cars, but Porsche objected to my use of their intellectual property. I quote from the zizzler owners "Unfortunately, due to Porsche SE's intellectual property claims we are unable to carry or produce products which violate their rights. All elements including names, car models, logos, and actual cars violate their rights."
Since when can I not sell a calendar of objects that I own and have purchased? My "actual car" is owned by me, but I do not own the intellectual property rights? I don't remember seeing that one on Porsche's website. Buy your car here, but if you take pictures of you car and try to sell it, you cannot.
And the kicker? The calendar's profits all go to raise funds for a life time porsche owner, who worked for Porsche Motorsports in the past, Roger Grago. Roger is battling brain tumors and any (and all) funds can only help.
By the way, Rogers wife set up a site here, and funds info is here "If you would like to donate monetarily, please make checks payable to Calvary Church. In the memo line of the check write,“For Roger Grago”. These should all be mailed to: Roger Non-Profit, 25422 Trabuco Road 105-513, Lake Forest, CA 92630"

So I shall be trying to convince Porsche that the calendar does not violate their intellectual property, and perhaps they will volunteer some little donation to a good cause.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pat Shortt

My brother Aidan, sent me this one.
Hilarious. As Aidan would put it, succinctly ;-)