Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday with Hockney

Went down to the city yesterday, to meet Jim Garfield, Peter Nunes and family/friends at the David Hockney exhibition. It's on at 2 venues, but we met at the Pace Wildenstein gallery (32E57th). It's opposite the Fuller building.

There was a great view from the 2nd floor, and despite the terribly sleety cold rain/snow, we had a good time. I'm sure that was not the same case for the cop, directing traffic, below.

"I wonder if his jacket is made out of goretex? hmmmm .. "

Anyway, back to art ...

Vivid colors of outdoor scenes from the English countryside.  Below is a happy punter taking in the paintings, in their own time, behind the stairs.

all shots are taken by Nikki on her new LX3 camera;-)

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