Friday, May 8, 2009

toward Ely, NV

Carson City, where some long lost cousin of my buddy, Bill Gottschalk in Michigan, is moving to greener pastures.
Carson City casino. One of several million casino's all across Nevada.
Nice building, restored to a fine state.
Fabulous scenery as we took Route 50, the loneliest highway apparently, according to local lore. Straight roads where speeds in excess of ..... high speeds ... are apparently possible.
a fellow traveller. We thought that we were tough driving across the desert in an old car. This dude is even tougher. Doing it by bike. The whole route 50 thing, came from a recommendation that we got in SFO. The previous owner of our car was Harold Williams, and his wife Susan. Susan told me that the best trip she ever took by road, was Rt 50 up to Salt Lake City. Seeing that we were taking an interstate, I-80, it seemed like a shame to miss out on a great route. So we followed Susan's advice and were glad.
Thank you Susan. You were right. It is a fabulous road.
Here is some video, to prove the point ... enjoy ...

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