Saturday, August 27, 2011

1,850 miles to bring a '71 SiiA home before the fury of Irene

Well, no posts in a while, so here goes, to make up for it. I drove back from Boulder, CO to bring home a new member of the family. The moose (328xi) is gone, and replaced by this 71 Series ii A.

Here is a better pic, looking out the front, taken from either Colorado or Nebraska

The weather was glorious .... hi 90's leaving Denver area, 5200 ft above sea level.

Encountered some strange beasts on my travels. I guess with 1,850 miles, my ass is like leather. Well I thought that something sharp touched me at some point. When I got out to get gas, i see that i had squashed a bee. I fought the bee and the bee lost.

And later on, while traveling on I-80, I came across this strange dude. Admittedly I neglected to bring a proper camera, and all these shots are taken with my blackberry, and I missed a front shot of this guy who had crazy goggles on him, but still ... you get the idea ...

Some nice shots too, came from this little phone camera .... and this was Allegheny countryside ... in western PA ..

Almost came a cropper, but AAA came to the rescue with 5 gallons of gas. I now know when the tank empties on the dial :-)

So, here is what she/he (needs a name ... perhaps Felix or Sid, or Archie or something like that or Ella ... who knows) looks like at night ... again the best that a BB camera can do, methinks ..

and in full sunlight .... drives like a dream ... 25mpg ... should be able to get almost anywhere on the planet.